Development and Demonstration of Safe, Efficient Hydrogen Liquefaction Through Optimized Mixed Refrigerants and Plant Design (24.RP2.0173)

This project targets the development of cost-effective, safe hydrogen liquefaction for domestic and global supply chains. Liquid hydrogen’s (LH2) advantages include high volumetric energy density and end-use versatility, particularly when extremely high purities are required (e.g. fuel cell applications). However, LH2 remains expensive due to the significant energy penalty associated with the cooling to -253 C needed for liquefaction. Furthermore, safety concerns regarding equipment failure and/or uncontrolled releases of cryogenic hydrogen (CH2) into the environment increase the capital cost of LH2 plant and distribution infrastructure considerably. This project will deliver a step-change in H2 liquefaction cost through two key advances: novel mixed refrigerant (MR) cycles to reduce energy consumption, and smaller plant layouts through better understood exclusion zone requirements. Testing facilities will be constructed to demonstrate the performance of new MR hydrogen liquefaction cycles and help de-risk future commercial-scale plants. New thermodynamic equations and nucleation rate correlations for MRs and CH2-in-air will be developed from molecular simulations and integrated into fluid dynamic models to produce validated design tools. These will help optimise liquefaction equipment, such as turbines/compressors, and accurately determine safe LH2 plant layouts. Commercialisation outcomes will arise from IP associated with advanced refrigeration cycles, plant configurations and design-tool software.


Partners: Baker Hughes, INPEX Holdings Australia Pty Ltd, Woodside Energy Ltd, The University of Melbourne, The University of Western Australia, Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

Project Leader: Prof. Eric May

Duration: 52 Months