Rebecca Morgan
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Dr Rebecca Morgan is a Research Fellow in the Industrial AI Research Centre at UniSA. Her expertise lies in industrial integration and interoperability and model-driven visualisation for understanding complex systems. Over the last five years, she has been involved in supporting enterprise integration and interoperability through facilitating understanding of complex, evolving systems via model-driven information visualisation. She completed her PhD in 2022 on the topic “VizDSL: A Visual Domain Specific Language for Modelling Visualisation Processes”. Her PhD research was heavily based on industrial requirements identified through collaboration between Industrial AI and the OIIE.
During her subsequent employment as a postdoctoral research fellow in Industrial AI, she has been heavily involved in the design, development and testing of a model-based, goal-driven framework for self-adaptive systems in collaboration with the DST Group and the University of Wollongong.
Rebecca has made significant contributions to the state of the art in her research area through the publication of several high-quality conference papers in the fields of information systems engineering, conceptual modelling and distributed computing. The publication “A Model-Driven Approach for Visualisation Processes using VizDSL” received the award for Best Student Paper at APCCM 2019. She has also received the DAIRNet Women in AI scholarship to attend the inaugural ADSTAR Summit in 2022.
Mahboobeh Shahbazi
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Mahboobeh’s research career has centred on developing new and efficient methods to synthesise a variety of functional materials including superconductors and magnetocaloric materials and their applications such as for MRI and fusion reactors, hydrogen liquefaction, and green hydrogen production systems. She is passionate about understanding the fundamental relationships between material structure, physical and electronic properties of materials and, accordingly, improving their performance in practical applications.
Within QUT’s Centre for Clean Energy Technologies and Practices, and the Centre for Materials Science, Mahboobeh’s research focuses on advanced fabrication and characterisation methods. These include developing novel high-temperature superconducting materials and magnetic materials which are necessary for commercial and environmental advances in the transport, medical and energy industries. In addition, she has a deep understanding of the measurement and characterisation of superconducting and magnetic properties using Physical Property Measurement Systems including magnetic measurements, Angular dependence of magnetoresistance, and transport properties at low temperatures and high magnetic fields.
Mahboobeh received her PhD from the University of Wollongong, Australia, in 2014 with a major in materials science. After graduating, she joined QUT where she followed her research studies on a variety of topics including solar cells, superconductors, and magnetic materials. In 2017, Mahboobeh was awarded an Advance Queensland Fellowship in partnership with Siemens. In addition, Mahboobeh collaborates effectively with Australian and overseas superconductivity experts and is a co-investigator with her collaborative network at The University of Queensland investigating Nanostructure engineered low activation superconductors for fusion energy. Both projects focus on developing and characterising superconducting components including iron chalcogenides and MgB2 wires/cables for application in superconducting motors/generators, MRI, and fusion reactors.
QUT profile:
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Dr Saif Al Ghafri
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Dr Saif Al Ghafri’ s expertise lies in thermophysical properties and fluid science studies, with a record of experimental and modelling excellence, postdoctoral candidate supervision and on-time delivery of large scale industrial projects.
Saif has worked on multiple research projects funded by global industry partners such as Shell Development Australia, Chevron Energy Technology Company, the Gas Processors Associations, Schlumberger, Qatar Petroleum, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industry.
His current research activities include hydrogen economy and liquid hydrogen, Boil-Off-Gas studies for LNG and LH2 storage and transportation, and measurement and modelling of fluid and thermophysical properties of mixtures relevant to oil and gas production, liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing, carbon dioxide sequestration, space industry, enhanced oil recovery, new generation refrigerants, natural gas hydrates and biodiesel production.
While employed at UWA, he has maintained on-going collaborations with other top fluid science groups in the world including Imperial College London, NASA, Ruhr-University Bochum and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA). He is an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London and he has worked as a Process Engineer in Petroleum Development Oman and as a Research Associate at Imperial College London. He also leads a research group focused on “Propellant and Cryogenic Fluids” in the recently established UWA International Space Centre.
He has been awarded a few prestigious awards including The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC) Award for the best PhD dissertation of the year, Dudley Newitt Prize for Experimental Excellence due to exceptional merit demonstrated by experimental excellence, and Qatar Petroleum Medal for Research Excellence in Clean Fossil Fuels due to outstanding achievements in CFF research. Saif has a PhD and MSC from Imperial College London, and BEng (Hons) from Nottingham University.
Mauricio Di Lorenzo
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Dr Mauricio Di Lorenzo is a research scientist with 20+ year experience in R&D applied to oil and gas production. His technical background includes multiphase flow in pipelines and porous media, thermodynamics of fluids and interfaces and plant and laboratory design and instrumentation.
Prior to joining the FEnEx CRC, in his role of Principal Research Engineer at the CSIRO, he led multidisciplinary teams to develop new solutions to flow assurance problems in deep water gas fields, based on a wide range of expertise including laboratory experimentation, numerical modelling, and oil-field chemistry. He also managed several research and commercial project in collaboration with universities, government agencies and industry partners in the energy sector.
Mauricio started his career in his home country, working for Intevep, the R&D branch of PDVSA, the national oil company in Venezuela, where he contributed to the development of novel chemistries and methods to increase well productivity and open new markets for extra-heavy oils.
With his appointment to the FEnEx CRC, Mauricio will contribute with his broad technical and project management experience to the efforts to decarbonize the energy resources and develop the hydrogen industry of the future. Mauricio has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Western Australia, a Master degree in Physics from the University of California, San Diego, and a Bachelor degree in Physics from Simon Bolivar University.
Dr Ellen Tyquin
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Dr Ellen Tyquin is a mixed-methods, early career researcher who focuses on the role stakeholders and communication plays in creating, sustaining, and repairing organisations and industries facing complex, real-world problems. Her research is aligned to the public relations discipline and has explored key concepts such as trust and distrust in crisis and change contexts to better understand stakeholder communication and regulatory processes that underpin organisational and industry imperatives.
Ellen was awarded her PhD in 2021, since which time she has been working as a Foundation Fellow at the Future Energy Exports CRC in the Market and Sector Development program and is based at QUT’s Faculty of Business and Law. Ellen has supported over $550K worth of research projects with multiple industry partners including Victoria State Government, Seqwater, Sanofi, Insurance Australia Group (IAG), and iSelect. She is also a sessional lecturer and tutor for a number of undergraduate public relations subjects and was a recipient of the Donald Dyer and Public Relations Institute of Australia’s (PRIA) industry-funded scholarship while completing her PhD.
On top of her academic research and study, Ellen previously worked in industry as a communications manager and freelance communication consultant for over ten years specialising in areas such as stakeholder management, media relations and content creation. In these roles, Ellen worked with a diverse mix of organisations including Lendlease (London-based), Cover-More Travel Insurance, World Travel Protection, Royal Flying Doctors (QLD Chapter), MineWare, Queensland Museum and Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP).
Matt Selway
Matt Selway is a Research Fellow in the Industrial AI Research Centre at the University of South Australia and lead of the Australian OIIE Interoperability Laboratory. Matt is a Computer Scientist and Software Engineer who specialises in finding the right-level of abstraction to model complex, real-world problems and implement solutions. His research has addressed knowledge capture and linking for Domain Specific (Technical) Language Understanding, process modelling, and data integration and interoperability. In addition, Matt has explored software system architectures for enabling digital ecosystems.
Over the last 5 years, Matt has contributed to interoperability and digital transformation projects in the Oil & Gas industry, working with diverse partners such as Advisian, BP, PdMA, and Yokogawa Electric. These projects have investigated standards-based interoperability in Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins using models for Asset Lifecycle Management as the means of federating disparate information sources in industrial systems via mappings between standards. His work has spanned different areas for the construction and maintenance of Digital Twins, including the representation and exchange of engineering requirements, equipment and product model information, Condition-based Maintenance data, and asset installation work.
The investigation of standards-based interoperability for industry has led to Matt’s involvement in industry specifications and standards development. In this capacity, Matt has facilitated several working groups: eliciting requirements from industry experts, subsequently developing specifications and standards, and prototyping technical aspects in software. Matt is currently a member of the Australian mirror committee for ISO/TC 184 “Automation systems and integration”, which helps give Australia a voice in current and emerging standards for industrial Digital Twins.
Bruce Norris
FEnEx CRC Strategic Research Fellow
Bruce is a Research Fellow with the Department of Chemical Engineering at UWA. His research focuses on quantifying fugitive methane emissions associated with LNG production, and managing the risks associated with gas hydrates in subsea energy developments. The goal throughout this research is to assist industry in optimising their operational and design philosophies with a view of lowering cost, improving safety, and reducing the carbon intensity of energy production.
Neil Robinson
FEnEx CRC Strategic Research Fellow
Neil is a Research Fellow in the UWA Fluid Science and Resources Research Group where he holds a Forrest Research Foundation Fellowship. Prior to taking up this position, Neil completed an MChem (Chemistry) degree at Cardiff University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge, followed by a Research Associate position at UWA. His research lies in the development and characterisation of next-generation materials for energy, environmental and societal applications, with a strong focus on understanding gas and liquid dynamics within functional porous media. He currently leads and contributes to a variety of projects of relevance to large-scale hydrogen transport, including the design of materials to enable energy-efficient liquefaction, and the study of catalytic processes necessary for the use of liquid organic hydrogen carriers. Neil was a finalist in the 2021 IChemE Global Awards and represented Australia at the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting under an Australia Academy of Science/Science and Industry Endowment Fund Fellowship.
UWA profile:
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Emma D’Antoine
FEnEx CRC Foundation Fellow
Curtin University
Dr Emma D’Antoine recently completed her PhD researching psychosocial risk factors for offshore oil and gas workers, passed in September 2024 and gained a Chancellor of the University’s Commendation for: Experience in recruiting for qualitative research, conducting focus groups, one-to-one interviews, analysis of qualitative research through NVivo, identifying patterns and themes and using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. During the last year she has been employed as a Sessional Academic by the School of Psychology at Curtin University. She is currently based at the Curtin Institute for Energy Transition, researching the views of a range of stakeholders from industry, government, academic and not for profit organisations on the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition. This involves NVivo analysis of qualitative survey data, participant recruitment, interviews, interview transcription and reporting of results via reports and manuscripts. Her academic background is in Psychology and Human Rights, but her personal interests also lie in these fields.