Hydrogen value chain has been confirmed as an important new energy industry to balance the clean energy demand and supply. However, the volumetric inferior calorific value in kWh/Nm3 of hydrogen is the lowest (2.8 kWh/Nm3) compared with other fuels although the mass energy density is the highest (33.3 kWh/kg). Therefore, cost-effective, scalable, large-scale, and safe hydrogen storage systems are becoming the centre of attention to underpin the hydrogen value chain in Australia and worldwide. Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) for example in depleted gas reservoirs offers a solution. However, given that hydrogen has its unique gas property with its unique geochemical and microbial activities with subsurface minerals, the technical and economic viability of UHS remains to be quantified. In this context, this report aimed to (1) identify the key processes, state-of-the-art understanding, and gaps in underground hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs, (2) provide recommendations for demonstration of UHS, (3) point out the bottlenecks for implementation of UHS in depleted gas reservoirs.
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