A technical and economic assessment of underground hydrogen storage in Western Australia (23.RP2.0176)

This project aims to deliver the following four outcomes:

  1. Identification of the depleted gas reservoirs for underground hydrogen storage and compressed air storage in Perth Basin, WA
  2. Determination of the best energy storage solution in Victoria and WA.
  3. Prediction of underground hydrogen storage in Yardarino field in WA through dynamic reservoir modelling.
  4. Failure mechanisms of hydrogen conditioned caprock of Yardarino field with pre-existing fractures for underground hydrogen storage.

The outcomes of this research will also support Western Australia policy makers in understanding the viable large-scale hydrogen storage resources to develop relevant strategies for decarbonization. Moreover, we expect to identify a new set of potential hydrogen underground storage locations in WA to inform energy network modelling efforts.

This project may also allow Beach Energy to establish a hydrogen hub near the Beharra Springs Gas Processing Facility in Perth Basin with accessible hydrogen production (green and blue), storage, and existing distribution/transportation infrastructure. In addition, a potential commercial opportunity(s) may be identified to use Yardarino field or Beharra Springs field for underground hydrogen storage with existing hydrogen hubs and infrastructure in Perth Basin in WA.

Partners: Curtin University, The University of Western Australia, Beach Energy, Department of Energy, Mines, IR and Safety

Researchers: Dr (Quan) Sam Xie, Prof. Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, A/Prof. Eric Lilford, Prof. Michael Johns

Duration: 2 years