Understanding the physical properties for de-risking CCS projects
Imperial College London
Martin Trusler is Professor of Thermophysics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Martin’s research interests focus on measurement and modelling of the thermophysical properties and phase behaviour of fluids, especially under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure, with applications in carbon capture & storage, hydrogen infrastructure and the energy industries widely. In 2016, he was awarded the Guggenheim Medal for contributions to research in thermodynamics by the UK Institution of Chemical Engineers. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, an Associate Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and former editor of the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Over his research career, he has published over 180 papers in peer reviewed journals (h-index = 48, Google Scholar), supervised 30 doctoral students to completion and led numerous research projects. As a consultant, he has worked with leading companies on a variety of energy-industry related problems. He is currently, Co-Director of the Shell Digital Rocks research programme at Imperial.