Future Energy Exports CRC Reaches Several Major Milestones with Board Appointed, Participant Agreements Signed, and First Call for Proposals

December 8, 2020

Today the Future Energy Exports (FEnEx) Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) announced its full Board, capping off a sequence of milestones achieved in the last quarter of 2020.

Joining founding Chair, Mary Hackett and Managing Director, Professor Eric May, are Independent Board Directors Pete Di Bona, Susan Smith and Jonathan Loraine, and Foundation Directors Susmita Thomson and Chris Clark. Elected unopposed at today’s Special General Meeting of the FEnEx CRC Members, this team lead will guide the CRC into the next phase of its operations: conducting industrial-scale research and development to future-proof Australia’s energy export industry.

Managing Director Eric May said “As you can see from the Biographies here, the newly appointed full board has collective expertise relevant to the energy & innovation sectors that is both deep and diverse. This will enable the FEnEx CRC to deliver on its mission by creating new technologies, opening new markets and providing increased job opportunities for Australians.”

“With our Board and senior personnel in place across Australia we will now commence the pipeline of projects identified by our industry partners across the four flagship themes”.
The Board appointments cap-off a recent flurry of activity at the FEnEx CRC, which also includes:

  • signing Participant agreements worth over $109 million with more than 20 industry, government and research organisations in Australia and around the world;
  • holding five Participant workshops to connect industry and researchers together and generate high-impact research priorities;
  • starting the appointment of 10 PhD students and 6 Foundation FEnEx Research Fellows at the University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Queensland University of Technology, University of South Australia, University of Melbourne and Swinburne University; and
  • announcing a first call-for industry-led research projects targeting key objectives across its four research themes: LNG Value Chains, Hydrogen Export and Value Chains, Digital Technologies & Interoperability, and Market & Sector Development.

About FEnEx CRC

The FEnEx CRC will execute cutting-edge, industry-led research, education and training to help sustain Australia’s position as a leading LNG exporter while reducing carbon emissions and help Australia to become the leading global exporter of clean Hydrogen.

Media Contact: Eric May

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