January 31, 2024
Future Energy Exports CRC Limited (“FEnEx CRC”) has participated in the inquiry process conducted by the Public Administration Committee (“Committee”) of the Parliament of Western Australia (“Parliament”) regarding innovation in Western Australia (“WA”).
The Committee inquired into and will report on WA’s innovation ecosystem, with reference to:
- the current state of the innovation ecosystem;
- the role of the WA government in supporting entrepreneurship, start-ups,
and small and medium sized enterprises; and - any other matters that the Committee considers relevant.
The FEnEx CRC’s submission to the inquiry states that “FEnEx CRC is firmly committed to supporting the WA Government achieve the aims articulated with its Western Australian Innovation Strategy and Action Plan as well as its Diversify WA: Future State. FEnEx CRC concurs with the WA Government’s views that ‘innovation will be a key enabler for the future growth and diversification of the WA economy,’ which would also ‘turn into high quality jobs, greater investment and broader community benefits.”
The FEnEx CRC also makes several recommendations to the WA Government which could enhance the State’s opportunity to build greater economic resilience, assist in the diversification of its economy, open up new markets and upskill its workforce.
For full detail of FEnEx CRC’s submission regarding this inquiry, see link.
For detail on submissions made by others, see link.